Risks in the Northern Mediterranean Zone

This program aims to position the Université Côte d’Azur internationally in terms of research on the analysis and prevention of both natural and anthropogenic risks by examining the pilot site of the northern Mediterranean region, especially its littoral zone. The choice of this area will help the program take account of and enumerate the multiple and various risks present in this region as well as consider its demographic and socio-economic features.

Program objectives:

  1. Make the Côte d’Azur a laboratory to analyze natural and anthropogenic risks by associating high-level fundamental research and applied research on the region (exemplary topic for possible connection with a UCA Reference Center or Academy of Excellence). Promote the transfer of these analyses between this pilot site and other areas at risk.
  2. Interconnect the topic of risk with that of the smart city.
  3. Include human behavior.
  4. Integrate a measure of expertise and advice (risk management, decision aid, recommendations for new regulations, etc.) into the research.
  5. Establish a new training program on risk.
  6. Capitalize on the experience and knowledge already acquired in terms of educational transfer and provide this educational mission a new, multidisciplinary dimension.
Projects 2016/2018 Social Interactions and Complex Dynamics
Activity Year Project name Principal Investigator Partners Duration
IDEX BOARD ACTIONS Call for expressions of interest 2016 SEA FOOD A. Sladen GEOAZUR 3 years
Observatory of the Mediterranean environment (scientific outreach) J.L Berenguer GEOAZUR 5 years
Thematic calls for proposals 2017 Regional expertise alignment and firm performance Ludovic Di Biaggio SKEMA 4 years
Intl. Conferences call for proposals 2017 Multiple Telluric Risks on the Côte d'Azur Jean-Xavier Dessa GEOAZUR 3 years
Actions Internationales Grands seïsmes Philippe Charvis GEOAZUR 4 years
2018 Physics of earthquake rupture and fault growth: multi-scale modeling of material failure Ampuero Jean-Paul GEOAZUR
ACADEMY 2 CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2016/17 Implementation of a research project on marine waves. Generation of rogue waves. Mansour IOUALALEN GEOAZUR 1 year
2017 Determination of elastic properties around a seismic fault accounting for defects. Olivier Pantz LJAD 1 year
2018 Physics of earthquake rupture and fault growth: multi-scale modeling of material failure Ampuero Jean-Paul GEOAZUR 2 years
ACADEMY 3 CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2017 Observation and modeling of human behavior in exceptional situations and catastrophes D. Provitolo GEOAZUR 2 years
A study of public perceptions of climate change risks and propensity to act on them in France Z. Babutsidze SKEMA 2 years
Historical trends in land cover and climate in order to predict the evolution of flooding, forest fire, and soil erosion risks Fox D. ESPACE 1er sep. 2017 - 31 aout 2019 (2 ans)
2018 CONVOST : Etat de COnservation de la végétation marine et risque OSTreopsis Passeron-Mangialajo L. ECOMERS 1er Janv 2018 / 31 déc 2019 (2ans)
Suivi de la colonisation des substrats par caméra hyperspectrale : une technique innovante appliquée aux récifs artificiels imprimés en 3D de l'aire marine protégée du Larvotto (Principauté de Monaco) Patrice FRANCOUR ECOMERS 1er mars 2018 - 31 déc. 2018 (10 mois)
Definition of ecological functionality indicators for Mediterranean braiding rivers Chapuis Margot ESPACE 20 juin 18 / 20 dec. 20 (1,5 an)