The focus on transdisciplinarity
Only the cross-talk between several disciplines can make possible to understand the complex world around us. Thus, while supporting the research excellence at the heart of all disciplines, UCAJEDI IDEX actively promotes transdisciplinarity. Transdisciplinarity arises through a process of integration and transcending the specific perspectives of each discipline - each bringing its specific approach and analytical tools.
UCAJEDI IDEX has created various tools to support this new scientific approach:
- Academies of Excellence aimed at increasing the level of research excellence by supporting innovative projects, by organizing transdisciplinarity and by creating places for intellectual exchange between researchers from different disciplines and encourage the emergence of new concepts
- Transdisciplinary core programs aimed at developing research that connects diverse scientific fields and that has been identified as strong themes for Université Côte d'Azur
- Academies of Excellence
The 5 Academies of Excellence are flexible and responsive structures that fuel the creativity and renewal of research at Université Côte d'Azur. Annual funding allows the academies to support initiatives developed by their members, according to their own terms. The missions of the academies are to: - Create sites for intellectual exchange enabling the emergence of new concepts. - Support innovative, original and quality projects to establish themselves in the landscape of national and international research.
- Transdisciplinary core programs
There are 9 Transdisciplinary core programs, each of which focus on several complementary projects and transversal activities: workshops, training programs, thematic schools, etc. These core programs aim at developing transdisciplinary fields of research that have been identified as strong themes for Université Côte d'Azur:
- Art and sciences
- Environment, health, citizens
- Social interactions and complex dynamics
- Matter, light and interactions
- Modeling, physics and mathematics of living systems
- Risks in the Northern Mediterranean zone
- Data sciences
- Cognitive systems, normality and pathology of the human brain, and computational neuroscience
- Graduate Schools (EUR)
- Eight graduate schools (EURs) have been created to synergistically connect different components of Université Cote d'Azur, its members, and partners. The graduate schools are reinforcing excellence in interdisciplinary research and are driving graduate education in connection with research. The IDEX has added a series of transdisciplinary MScs to the existing catalog. These programs are taught in English, orientated toward international students and thus contribute to the international visibility of Université Cote d'Azur. Developed by UCAJEDI, these MScs will be further integrated with UCA's education programs. Hybrid approaches to teaching are a founding principle of these MSc programs which prioritize innovation in teaching and digital transformation.
- MSc programs
UCAJEDI has launched several interdisciplinary Masters of Science, which are 100% in English and contribute to the international visibility of our regional strengths in research and educational innovation. These programs integrate with the larger Université Côte d'Azur catalog and complement it with their transdisciplinary approach. They are an asset for the university, training and preparing young people for the needs of the emerging economy and future socio-economic partnerships.
More about our MSc programs
30 transdisciplinary projects for invent@UCA
UCAJEDI has initiated a unique programme that brings together multidisciplinary student teams to meet and overcome real challenges that have been identified by public sector partners. In 4 years, we have carried out more than 30 student-partner co-creation projects.
Visit the page of invent@UCA
Chemistry, molecular biology, physiology and psychophysiology between Université Côte d'Azur and the Monell Chemical Senses Center
By partnering with Monell, the number one research center in olfaction worldwide, in a major research and innovation program, Université Côte d'Azur seeks to advance our fundamental knowledge of olfaction and gustation using complementary biology, genetics, chemistry, molecular modeling, psychophysiology and sensory experiments.
Mycophyto, the startup operating between microbiology, agronomy, artificial intelligence and chemistry
The start-up Mycophyto was created in 2017 as a result of support from the Sophia Agrobiotech Institute (INRAe, UCA, and CNRS), and the prematuration 2016 IMPACT project. Mycophyto now offers natural biostimulatants (mycorrhizal fungi) for sustainable agriculture. After receiving several local and national awards, Mycophyto was awarded the iLab label from BPI France with €245k of funding and was able to secure €1.4M from private investors thanks to Partnership support from UCAJEDI for an AI project with researchers from INRIA. Mycophyto currently holds 2 licensed patents, has grown to 13 employees, and is also a partner of the 3IA Institute.
More about Mycophyto
Transdisciplinarity involving humanities
UCAJEDI has promoted the integration of human and social sciences in various trans- and interdisciplinary projects:
- With CEPAM, an archaeology laboratory, several projects have enabled researchers from different disciplines to work together. For example, computer science, chemistry, economics and management are working together on the ModelAnSet, INTREPID and Archeoplantes projects supported by UCAJEDI.
- With the legal experts from the Deep Law for Tech (DL4T) project: when law meets new technologies and artificial intelligence. This initiative is the first of its kind in Europe. DL4T brings together researchers, entrepreneurs and politicians to tackle the legal issues accompanying the emergence of new technologies in society. The aim of the program is to contribute to the knowledge, promotion and construction of legal standards for the creation of technical norms.
- With the linguists of the BCL laboratory with the project DeepText - Deep Learning and Humanities Corpora. DeepText is positioned in the national and international framework for the development of digital humanities and artificial intelligence. The requirement to process ever more numerous and ever more complex data, particularly text corpora composed of combinations with millions of occurrences, researchers are now use deep learning to model their data, discover its underlying structures, and deliver heuristic representations; that is, to grasp its meaning.
Transdisciplinarity in UCAJEDI projects in numbers (source: Lime Survey)
56% of transdisciplinary research projects
+71% of public and private cofunding
>1500 researchers involved