Studying abroad
International Relations Directorate
International Relations Directorate
The International Relations Directorate (DRI) is a central unit at Université Côte d’Azur that coordinates international activities and applies the cooperation policy introduced by the university’s management.
The DRI’s main roles are as follows:
- assessing and overseeing the signing-off of applications and technical reports for European programs,
- managing and monitoring framework agreements and specific contracts,
- financial managing of international mobility grants (Erasmus+, AMI-MESRI),
- coordinating the activities of the International Relations Offices (BRI),
- supporting the implementation of hosting agreements for research professors,
- coordinating and managing the Study in France web platform (application mechanism for foreign students).
- International agreements
Please e-mail for all questions about international agreements (renewal, establishing a new cooperation arrangement, information).
- Mobility grants
- The DRI is responsible for the administrative and financial management of Erasmus+ mobility grants (intra-European mobility), the AMI-MESRI program (scholarships from the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation) and Southern Region mobility grants. For all questions about international mobility grants, please e-mail our team.
- Erasmus+
How do I apply for an Erasmus+ grant?
The Erasmus+ program combines studying and internships abroad in the European Union.
If you want to apply for Erasmus+ ICM support (International Credit Mobility), please consult the Erasmus+ ICM page.
An Erasmus+ mobility grant can be partially combined with the International Mobility Support Scheme (AMI-MESRI).
Please contact your International Relations Office (BRI) directly for all grant and scholarship requests. It can guide you through the procedures and help you complete the Erasmus+ grant application form.
I have a disabilityLogo Erasmus+ - AMI-MESRI scholarships
How do I apply for an AMI-MESRI scholarship?
The International mobility support scheme is a program introduced and funded by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (AMI-MESRI). Université Côte d’Azur manages the program and subsequently helps its disadvantaged students on scholarships to study abroad in the best conditions.
The AMI-MESRI scholarship can be partially combined with an Erasmus+ grant.
For all information (eligibility criteria, amounts, etc.) about AMI-MESRI scholarships, please consult the AMI-MESRI scholarship page on our website or the French Ministry website (bourse AMI-MESRI).
Please contact your International Relations Office (BRI) directly for all scholarship requests. It can guide you through the procedures and help you complete the AMI-MESRI scholarship application form.
For more information about the program, please contact the Université Côte d'Azur’s international mobility grant team. - Southern Region grants
Mobility grants for the Southern Region Mobility grants for the Southern Region are measures introduced to foster international mobility for Université Côte d'Azur students. They help secure financial aid to undertake studies or internships abroad.
The purpose of international mobility grants (for studying and internships) introduced by the Southern Region is to encourage and promote student mobility in higher education.
Grants are awarded based on applications presented by Université Côte d'Azur to the Southern Region at an application selection committee meeting. Funding is awarded within the limits of the budget allocated to the program. Grants are therefore not awarded automatically.
Applications for Southern Region mobility grants (for studying or internships) cannot be combined during the same academic year.
All applications must be submitted to Université Côte d’Azur as the Southern Region does not accept direct requests
- Preliminary Admission Request procedure (DAP)
For all questions about DAP, please e-mail our team.
- DAP vert
The green preliminary enrolment request procedure (DAP vert) is mandatory for all international students living in France with high school diplomas from outside the European Union who want to enroll at a university for the first year of an undergraduate degree (L1).
The International Relations Directorate offers an advisory service during the DAP vert application period (from November to January) enabling candidates to submit their applications and get them checked. If you want to submit a DAP vert application, we advise you to make a prior appointment with the DRI as only fully completed applications can be accepted and processed by Université Côte d’Azur.
The DAP vert application form must be fully completed and sent to us by post by the deadlines set by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI). These dates are published on the Ministry’s website (DAP vert).
For further information about the DAP vert procedure and to download the application form, please consult the Ministry’s website (DAP vert).
Remember: DAP vert application forms are available online at the start of the application period. You must therefore check that the application form you download applies to the current academic year and not that of last year. - DAP blanc
The white preliminary admission request procedure (DAP blanc) is mandatory for all international students living in a country unconnected to the Campus France area (countries not on the list of Campus France countries), with high school diplomas from outside the European Union, who want to enroll at university for the first year of an undergraduate degree (L1).
For further information about the DAP blanc procedure and to download the application form, please consult the Ministry’s website (DAP blanc). - Study procedures in France
If you are an international student living in a Campus France-eligible country, with a high school diploma from outside the European Union, you come under the 'Études en France' procedure.
Études en France is an online procedure for all steps of the enrolment process if you want to apply to study at a French institute of higher education. Once you have created your own online application form, you can complete the application process, contact Campus France from your country and communicate with the university or institution you wish to study at.
Please consult the Campus France website for further information (Études en France procedure).
Logo Études en France
Postal Adress :
89 Avenue George V (INSPÉ)
06 046 Nice Cedex 1