Fees and scholarships

Tuition Fees

We're thrilled that you're considering our program!

Tuition fees are set nationally by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research in addition to the mandatory CVEC payment.
Tuition for international students are currently set at €3,770 annually and are subject to change.

  • Your tuition fees cover all administrative and academic-related costs, such as classes, use of libraries and computing facilities and more.
  • In addition to tuition, students are required to pay the Student and Campus Life Contribution (CVEC), which costs €100 per year (price for 2023/24, may change in following years).

Please be aware that tuition fees do not cover your living costs, study materials or travel. If you have any questions or concerns about tuition fees or any other aspect of our program, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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Students UCA
Students UCA




ELMI Scholarship of Excellence

Each year the university’s Economics and Management Structure ELMI support the most academically talented students from all horizons.
This scholarship awards a minimum of 7500€ per year paid over two instalments: 50% at the beginning of the academic year and 50% after the first semester exams (February/March).



Campus France


Campus France
Campus France


Campus France has a scholarship search engine listing all the grants provided by both French and foreign governments, local authorities, companies, foundations and higher education institutions.

The tool allows you to filter your search to fit your criteria.

View the Catalogue

Crous Scholarship




Students residing and having studied in France for at least two years may be eligible to apply for the CROUS scholarship.

This scholarship is needs based and is granted based on social criteria.

Applications are made by creating a student social file (DSE).


Eiffel Scholarship

Eiffel Scholarship
Eiffel Scholarship



The Eiffel Scholarship was created to attract excelling foreign students in French higher education.

- Students previously registered in France are not eligible for the scholarship

- This scholarship cannot be combined with another French scholarship

- You must be accepted into a study program before applying

- Applications must be submitted by your higher education institution

More Information